Community Grant Application

Community Application Form

  • Proposal

  • The following questions must be fully addressed. Video and other digital responses can be uploaded below and/or accepted via email to This is your best opportunity to sell your idea to the Foundation. This must be the Applicant’s own work.
  • Budget:
  • The Foundation cannot accept an application without a budget. The grant award amount will be based upon this budget, up to $1000.00 in any school year. Itemize to the extent possible and estimate where necessary. Attach a supplier invoice if one is available. If you are ordering from a specific online supplier (e.g., attach a print of the item page or the “Cart” for the order. You may also make your own budget document and attach it. The more work you do on this part of the application, the better. Budget categories might include:
  • 1. Fees and tuitions
  • 2. Travel expenses (you may estimate gas if you are being driven)
  • 3. Cost of materials and supplies (be specific - you must have a specific plan in order to be considered for a grant)
  • 4. Other expenses necessary for you to complete your learning project or experience
  • Accountability and Reporting
  • Optional File Uploads
  • Enter videos or images that support your application.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 4.